Big Game Hunting with logo
Fishing Trips
Horseback Riding
Pack Trips
Summer Adventures
Wilderness Retreats


These are challenging, uncertain times and we hope everyone is doing ok. All of us here at Sable Mountain are healthy and doing well! One thing is for certain, the mountains are calling!

There has been one case of Corona Virus here in Rio Blanco County several weeks ago. Social distancing has been easy for us this spring. However, we are looking forward to seeing all of our clients soon!

There are many questions and concerns regarding our scheduled trips for 2020. Colorado is currently in Phase 1 of reopening, under “Safer at Home” guidelines. (See link below for more info.)

The snow is quickly melting and as soon as possible, we will saddle up and head up the mountain to clear trails and get our camps set. We intend to continue all our scheduled summer and hunting trips as planned this year, starting in June. We will keep you posted if anything changes. Meanwhile, please check out these sites for more information:

Happy Trails!

~Ann Marie